by Weston | Aug 28, 2009 | Roots Book |
On August 21st Marty Angelo, the manager of Raven, a Buffalo-based group, e-mailed Weston Blelock to say that Raven played the Woodstock Sound Festival in 1968: “I am not sure exactly what the event was called when Raven played Woodstock. We...
by Weston | Aug 28, 2009 | Roots Concert, Roots of Woodstock Blog |
When we were invited to spend the Woodstock Festival’s 40th anniversary weekend at our friends’ home in Woodstock itself (actually Bearsville, a few miles west on Route 212), I checked the local gig schedule and saw that former Howlin’ Wolf guitarist Hubert Sumlin...
by Weston | Aug 25, 2009 | Roots Concert, Roots of Woodstock Blog |
We’d like to express our appreciation to the many individuals and organizations that so graciously gave their time, enthusiasm, and resources, helping to make the August 15 concert and Zero-Carbon fundraiser a resounding success. Heartfelt thanks go to the in-kind...
by Weston | Aug 22, 2009 | Roots Book, Roots of Woodstock Blog |
From the 8/13/09 issue of the Woodstock Times, “Woodstock Nation on the Shelves” by Paul Smart: “Perhaps the biggest book bash the town’s seen in some time, the bringing to life, via an actual-to-heavens musical concert for the locally-produced Roots... by Weston | Aug 13, 2009 | Roots Concert |
From the August 13, 2009 issue of The New York Times: “WOODSTOCK, N.Y. Before Woodstock, from 1967 to 1969 there were small-scale, noncommercial musical festivals in the woods called Sound Outs that helped the promoter Michael Lang come up with the idea of the...