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Along the Old West Shore: Weehawken to Buffalo

John Ham with Gene Dauner and Jerry Clearwater

THIS TITLE IS OUT OF STOCK, BUT YOU MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN ANOTHER BOOK BY JOHN HAM: From Gotham to the Berkshires—New York Central’s Harlem Division.

This stunning book on New York’s West Shore & Buffalo Railway is brimming with 612 black and white and color images. Years of photography, research, and collecting by the authors have resulted in a pictorial review of the nearly 500-mile railroad that stretched across New York State from the Atlantic Ocean to the Great Lakes. Together with other prominent historians and collectors, the authors have compiled steam-to-diesel images, maps, ephemera, and drawings presented in this book. Hardcover, trim size 9 x 11 ½ inches. Published in 2017 by Stony Clove & Catskill Mountain Press. ISBN 9780972070997.

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