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Catskill Creatures spotlights fifteen species of wildlife in your backyard, with intriguing facts and dramatic illustrations.

Catskill Creatures

Are you curious about the amazing Catskill creatures sharing your backyard? Your wild neighbors star in nature’s outdoor theater, where exciting drama changes with the seasons. Catskill Creatures spotlights fifteen species of wildlife with intriguing facts and dramatic illustrations. Inside the pages of this book, author Nancy Furstinger will help you discover:

  • who isn’t scared of the skunk’s stinky spray
  • what warty secret weapon protects toads
  • where prime raccoon real estate is located
  • when black bears head into their winter dens
  • and why the little brown bat is nature’s original bug zapper

Meet the fascinating creatures who crawl, walk, run, swim, slither, hop, and fly through your backyard. Softcover with a trim size of 8.5 x 11 inches, 40 pages, and 24 color illustrations by Bob Ebdon. Published by Golden Notebook Press in 2024. ISBN:9780967554167.

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