In this fantasy thriller, the life of filmmaker Benedict Arnold Rose is suddenly derailed as he launches a documentary about the 1777 burning of Kingston, NY, by the British.
Ponckhockie Union
In this fantasy thriller, Benedict Arnold Rose is a filmmaker in a troubled marriage. As he begins a documentary about the 1777 burning of Kingston, New York, by the British, his history-focused life is suddenly derailed. He faces shadowy assassins with multiple identities, indoctrination in a dark cell, seduction, betrayal—and the unexpected kindness of a stranger. Rose confronts an internal crisis over what is real and, in the end, finds his way to a new life. Softcover, 204 pages, trim size 5 ½ by 8 ½ inches. Published by Recital Publishing in 2019.
“A complex, fascinating, and suspenseful journey into the past—and the myriad ways it can impact and threaten the here and now. As a Hudson Valley resident, I loved the deep exploration of our area’s history. A truly unique book.” ~Alison Gaylin, Edgar Award winner of If I Die Tonight